All family photos. password protected
1993 Aug 15 13
At the end of the walk through the grasstrees 'blackboy' (Xanthorrhoea Australis). Mt Kiangarow, Bunya Mts.
On the ferry across to Kangaroo Point where we stayed.
[Pick me] On the ferry across to Kangaroo Point where we stayed.
1993 Aug 8 1
A walk in the garden and how the verandah looked when we couldn't open the grilles.
Penang, (at the Snake Temple) for the Tan Sri Interclub meet
Penang, (at the Snake Temple) for the Tan Sri Interclub meet
Halloween at the Labrooy’s house, the mad doctor has arrived.
Halloween at the Labrooy's house, the mad doctor has arrived.
Teddy has his eyes on my prize from the Storytelling competition.
Teddy has his eyes on my prize from the Storytelling competition.